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  • Charles Kingsley's Church of England
  • (Aided)
  • Primary School, Glaston Hill Road,
  • Eversley, Hook, Hampshire,
  • RG27 0LX
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  • Gauguin's Trip to The Gordon Brown Centre

    Mon 24 Apr 2023

    To launch Gauguin's new science unit they visited The Gordon Brown Centre in Rotherwick. They had a wonderful day learning about food chains and hunting for evidence of producers, primary consumers and secondary consumers (predators) as well as thinking about the impact of specific producers not being in a food chain on the animals that rely on it for food.  The mini beast hunt and pond dipping helped the children really focus on the amount of wildlife in specific habitats and their part to play in the food webs.

    The children found toads, leopard slugs and palmate newts (a different species to the ones we have in the school pond).

    Although we didn't get to see the rabbits because of the heavy downpour of rain right at the end of the day, it was a fantastic day enjoying the outdoors.


    Thank you to the parents that helped today.

  • CKS Festival Day

    Wed 19 Apr 2023 Mrs Jary

    Great festival day where the children took part in different sports across phase groups. Year R practised their ball skills with some competitive bench ball. Year 1 and 2 put their attack and defence strategies to work in different games. Year 3 and 4 put their cricket skills to the test. Year 5 and 6 used their athletic skills in a variety of throwing and jumping competitions. A tight house competition with Kingsley Rose as the winners!

  • Picasso Class’ Concept Hook on Day

    Tue 18 Apr 2023 Miss Church

    Picasso Class enjoyed their unity concept day. We thought about what unity means to us and any words that remind us of unity. Discussing the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child enabled us to hold a detailed and thoughtful P4C discussion about how and why we can show unity towards these ideas. We took one of these ideas (that all children should have the right to decide their own thoughts and believes) and explored the traditional Australian dreamtime artwork. Using atlases in pairs, we showed any countries we are united with and linked to on our own world maps. 
