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  • Charles Kingsley's Church of England
  • (Aided)
  • Primary School, Glaston Hill Road,
  • Eversley, Hook, Hampshire,
  • RG27 0LX
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  • Love. Courage. Hope.

Collective Worship

“Worship the Lord with gladness;  come before him with joyful songs”

Psalm 100

Charles Kingsley’s CE Primary School believes that collective worship is an expression of the school’s Christian Vison. It is a reference point from which all our activities, thoughts, feelings and school ethos are developed.


We aim to promote collective acts of worship, which are rich, meaningful experiences that are appropriate and significant to the pupil’s needs, age, development and interest.


Collective Worship Planning

Collective worship is planned systematically, so there is continuity, variety and clear focus on Christian beliefs and festivals. Worship is led by a variety of people that include school staff, pupils, governors, representatives from the parish church, members of different faith communities and members of the local community.


Autumn Term 2024


Theme: Love


“Let all that you do be done in love.”

1 Corinthians 16:14


At the beginning of this new school year, we will be discussing our school vision and talking about our new school values ‘love, courage and hope’. This term, we will also be reflecting on some of Jesus’ words in the ‘Sermon on the Mount’, containing the statements known as the ‘Beatitudes’ which set out the topsy-turvy manifesto of God’s Kingdom. We reflect on how these ideas might help to shape our school community life in the way that we try to treat each other. The ‘how-to-be-at(t)itudes’ also line up with significant calendar events in this term, such as Harvest and Remembrance, and even towards Christmas, when we will celebrate the topsy-turviness of the story of how God came to earth as a tiny baby through some prophecies, including Mary’s own song of worship on hearing the news from Angel Gabriel.


