- Love. Courage. Hope.
Charles Kingsley’s CE Primary School believes that collective worship is an expression of the school’s Christian Vison. It is a reference point from which all our activities, thoughts, feelings and school ethos are developed.
We aim to promote collective acts of worship, which are rich, meaningful experiences that are appropriate and significant to the pupil’s needs, age, development and interest.
Collective Worship Planning
Collective worship is planned systematically, so there is continuity, variety and clear focus on Christian beliefs and festivals. Worship is led by a variety of people that include school staff, pupils, governors, representatives from the parish church, members of different faith communities and members of the local community.
Spring Term 2025
Theme: Songs from the Heart
At the beginning of a new term and a brand new year, we begin a new series of themes, reflecting on the life and writings of King David, who contributed much of the content of the book of Psalms in the Bible. We are using the title ‘Songs from the heart’, because this is exactly what the Psalms were: heartfelt expressions of joy, sadness, frustration, hope and longing, giving voice to experiences and emotions that pupils of all faiths and none can relate to.