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  • Charles Kingsley's Church of England
  • (Aided)
  • Primary School, Glaston Hill Road,
  • Eversley, Hook, Hampshire,
  • RG27 0LX
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  • "Serve one another humbly in love" Galatians 5:13b

Lowry-Year 1

Welcome to Lowry - Year 1!

In Lowry class we live and breathe our School Values of R.E.S.P.E.C.T as well as our Habits of Mind.


Lowry Class are a class of friendly, caring and fun 5 and 6 year olds plus our teacher Miss Church and our wonderful LSA: Mrs Johnson. Mrs Sibley will teach on Tuesday afternoons for Miss Church’s PPA time.


We are moving on to our final half-term in Year 1 and it is just amazing how rapidly this year has passed. Over this year, the children have grown in their independence and love of learning and we will continue to fully embrace the good humour and laughter that characterises Year 1.


The first half of our summer term was one spent with lots of time outside, enjoying our stunning surroundings and continuing to build bonds with our classmates. This will definitely continue this half-term as we fully know and appreciate the power of outdoor learning and nature.


Our concept this half-term is growth. Children will consider the physical growth they witness in themselves, plants, trees and nature as well as their emotional growth.


RE learning focusses on Hindu traditions. We will be thinking about what Hindus believe God is like. Children will simply describe ways in which the concept of God is expressed in Christianity and Hinduism.


Our Science learning continues to focus on identifying and growing plants. Our Art learning will see us building on our beach trip whilst we learn about sculptures. In Geography, we will learn about the physical and human characteristics of the seasides of Britain. In PE, we will be enjoying two outdoor sessions in the (hopefully!) sunny weather: tennis and attacking versus defence games. Using PurpleMash’s 2Create program in Computing, children will become proficient in creating and using animated books. We will be thinking about staying kind online for our online safety unit. Modern Foreign Languages this term will concentrate upon basic German phrases. Our year of Music learning is concluded nicely with our unit entitled Reflect, Rewind and Replay. These sessions will encompass musical techniques and language from this year’s modules. Drugs/tobacco/alcohol is addressed in PSHCE, as is basic first-aid.

Our outside area transformation

Creativity in Lowry!

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