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  • Charles Kingsley's Church of England
  • (Aided)
  • Primary School, Glaston Hill Road,
  • Eversley, Hook, Hampshire,
  • RG27 0LX
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Picasso-Year 3

Welcome to Picasso - Year 3!

Welcome to the Picasso Class Page!


Please take a look at our overview and newsletter below for further information. 


Our curriculum focuses around our concept of consequences and explores other topics. The children will be utilising a range of scientific equipment during our learning about solids, liquids and gases. In History, we will be considering the reliability of sources when we find out about the Roman impact on Britain. In DT, we will be researching, designing, using and evaluating our Ancient Roman catapults. For our PE we will be focussing on communication and tactics as part of Outdoor Adventurous Activities, along with football skills. In Computing, the children will begin to understand how to make presentations which include animations. Our PSHCE focuses on being safe and economic wellbeing in the wider world. To continue our French learning, we will encounter vocabulary for colours and Easter as well as responding to simple questions. African Percussion will be taught by HMS music specialist. The children will learn to play two drum sounds (dun and tek), play hand percussion in a controlled way, identify and understand changes of tempo and dynamic and sing and play matching pitch accurately using African percussion with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression.


RE learning covers the Jewish festival of Passover. This topic enables the children to consider the wider area of ‘remembrance’ and evaluate how these ideas and practices are present in their own lives and religious awareness. Our whole school worships and reflection worships allow the children to build on their own spiritual understanding.

Minstead 2025 Presentation

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