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  • Charles Kingsley's Church of England
  • (Aided)
  • Primary School, Glaston Hill Road,
  • Eversley, Hook, Hampshire,
  • RG27 0LX
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Gauguin-Year 4

Welcome to Gauguin - Year 4!


In Gauguin, we are imagining the impossible,

never giving in and never giving up

and having faith bigger than our dreams.


In our calm and thoughtful classroom we have Mrs Price as our teacher 

as well as Mrs Nielsen, who will support the learning of all the children in the class.


The children in Year 4 will develop:

 independence in their learning through the use of the Habits of Mind;

 co-operation through the School Values of R.E.S.P.E.C.T; 

and faith in who they are through the School's Christian Values


The final half term of Year 4 is full of exciting opportunities.


Our concept for this half term is ASPIRATIONS. Our entry task will be a Philosophy for Children enquiry about our ASPIRATIONS and the ASPIRATIONS that Charles Kingsley had for Victorian children especially those living in Eversley and Bramshill.

Our class reader for this half term is Boy Underwater by Adam Baron, a story that starts with a clear aspiration but leads to so much more.


Our Exit activity will be thinking about the types of careers there may be in 2035 and how these will impact aspirations..


Our R.E. sessions will focus on the concept of STORYTELLING and the Gospels.  We will think about the type of world that Jesus wanted.


Our PE sessions this half term are swimming on a Monday morning and athletics, as we will be outside for this our PE days may change.


The children's enthusiasm for learning fills the classroom. They will become confident in using the Habits of Mind to support them in their learning. 


Please keep an eye on the website and twitter for any updates.

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