- Love. Courage. Hope.
Welcome to Matisse - Year 2!
Welcome to the Matisse class page of our school website.
The Year 2 Class Teacher is Mrs Smith and Mrs Nielsen is our LSA.
This half term our Key Concept is Belonging where we will be looking at how and where we belong. We will also be comparing and contrasting this with life in Kenya linking to our Geography topic.
Our curriculum revolves around our concept and also looks at other areas. In Design Technology, we will be researching, designing and making our own vegetable couscous dish. For our indoor PE sessions, we will be dusting off our (imaginary!) dancing shoes as we choreograph and perform dances inspired by Kenya and African dance. During our outdoor PE sessions, we will be focusing on football skills such as dribbling, ball control and accuracy. In Computing, we will be learning how to edit and present information alongside online safety. Our PSHCE centres on families and people who care for us. Ukuleles will be used in our Music learning with a focus on performing tunes. In Science we will be exploring the basic needs of humans and animals. This half term in RE we will be learning about God - looking into the story of Jonah and thinking about how Christians use stories to help them in everyday life.
Find out about how our curriculum links with our key concept in the Autumn overview and newsletter. Remember to check the school twitter to see what the children are doing.
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