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  • (Aided)
  • Primary School, Glaston Hill Road,
  • Eversley, Hook, Hampshire,
  • RG27 0LX
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Matisse-Year 2

Welcome to Matisse - Year 2!

Welcome to the Matisse class page of our school website.

The Year 2 Class Teacher is Mrs Smith and Mrs Nielsen is our LSA. 


This half term our Key Concept is Change we will explore what the children know about change and how they have experienced it in their own lives. 


We will be finding answers to questions like:

What changes have you seen? 

How has our life changed since the Great Fire of London?

Can materials be changed and if so how?

What is climate change and how does it affect us?


For our indoor PE sessions, we will be building on our skills from last term to perform a dance based on the Great Fire of London. Our outdoor PE sessions, will be focusing on Hand ball skills, including passing and receiving. In Computing, we will begin to understand the terminology of the internet and searching the internet effectively, alongside online safety. Our PSHCE centres on Safety and strategies we can use to keep safe in familiar and unfamiliar places. In Science, we will be looking at the uses of everyday materials by identifying and comparing the suitability of each for a specific task. This half term in RE we will be focusing on Creation and exploring Genesis 1. We will spend time appreciating the world around us, before thinking about the role we can all play in helping to look after our world. We will also be looking at Hindu Traditions as a Comparative study of The Creation Story. Art will be themed around the Great Fire of London, and we will be studying Andy Warhol’s work before having a go at making our own Great fire of London prints. After learning about the Great Fire in History, we will think about the changes that this brought about and the impact this has made to our lives today. We are very excited for our upcoming African Percussion music lessons Taught by a HMS music specialist. The children will respond to, use, recognise and distinguish between steady beat and rhythm pattern and how they fit together. They will explore and enjoy changing dynamics through singing, playing, listening and responding. The children will improvise and compose music for a range of purposes.


Find out about how our curriculum links with our key concept in the Spring term overview and newsletter. Remember to check the school twitter to see what the children are doing. 

Our outdoor transformation

Kenyan masks and Kenyan cookery session

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