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  • (Aided)
  • Primary School, Glaston Hill Road,
  • Eversley, Hook, Hampshire,
  • RG27 0LX
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Da Vinci - Year 6

Welcome to Da Vinci - Year 6!

Hello and welcome to the Da Vinci page! This is where you will find all the information you need to know about what we will be doing in Year 6 this half term.


Year 6 is a memorable year for any child. It’s the year that you leave primary school behind and embark on a new journey, closing one chapter and beginning another. Mrs Kilby and I feel privileged to have worked with you this year and look forward to enjoying this last term with you.  Secondary School will be full of new challenges and exciting memories – the world really is your oyster.


The Summer term in Year 6 is usually a time of ‘lasts’ but it is safe to say that it will be a time of ‘firsts’ as well. We have lots of ‘firsts’ to look forward to – our Leavers Service at Winchester Cathedral, our trip to the Living Rainforest, transition days at our secondary schools – as well as all the amazing learning and activities that are still to come this term.

This half term we are focusing on our concept of Relationships as we move towards the secondary school transition.  We will be using the text Go Big to prepare us for the end of our journey at CKS whilst also looking forward to the exciting times ahead.

We will be taking part in Empathy Day in early June as part of our concept ‘hook on’ and ending the term with our Leavers event.  In between, we will be enjoying many moments together creating those lasting, special memories.


Concept Led Learning Photo Gallery

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