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  • Charles Kingsley's Church of England
  • (Aided)
  • Primary School, Glaston Hill Road,
  • Eversley, Hook, Hampshire,
  • RG27 0LX
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  • "Serve one another humbly in love" Galatians 5:13b

School Closures

School closure information:


Wherever possible the school will endeavour to stay open, but the health and safety of everyone on our school site must be our priority and will determine any decision taken.


Factors that will be taken into consideration:

  • The impact of the weather
  • Accessibility of the school site and roads surrounding the school
  • Staffing
  • Forecasts for the rest of the day
  • Safety on site


Any decision to shut the school will be made as early as possible. Eagle Radio will also update on school closures. Closures will be posted on:


If the school is shut, all after school clubs will also be closed.


Class teachers will post on their website class page, non-compulsory suggested work/activities.


If children come in to school and severe weather occurs throughout the day and the roads are looking treacherous we may make the decision to close early. This is a decision that can only be taken on the day and would be taken after looking at the risks to all staff and children on the site. Autumn Cottage would make a decision after considering their staffing numbers.
