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  • Charles Kingsley's Church of England
  • (Aided)
  • Primary School, Glaston Hill Road,
  • Eversley, Hook, Hampshire,
  • RG27 0LX
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Technology is a constant changing part of life. Technology and devices are essential to our lives, at home and at work. Using technology to support learning, solve problems and 'computational thinking' are skills children must be taught if they are to be ready for the workplace and able to participate effectively in this digital world. Our Curriculum uses the Purple Mash computing scheme of work which has been developed to equip pupils with the foundational skills, knowledge and understanding of computing they will need for the rest of their lives. Through our concept led curriculum, concepts such as, ‘Responsibility’, ‘Future’ and ‘Aspirations’  will encourage deeper thinking and children will learn how computers and computer systems work, design and build programs, express and develop their ideas using technology and think logically and creativity for today and the future.

All children understanding how to stay safe online is a valued part of the computing, RHSE and the wider curriculum. There are weekly sessions for all year groups that help the children navigate the digital world safely.
