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  • Charles Kingsley's Church of England
  • (Aided)
  • Primary School, Glaston Hill Road,
  • Eversley, Hook, Hampshire,
  • RG27 0LX
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  • "Serve one another humbly in love" Galatians 5:13b

Physical Education - PE

Physical Education - PE

PE at Charles Kingsley’s is an integral part of school life and encourages all children to lead active and healthy lives through engaging in purposeful and high-quality activity. Our PE curriculum is taught through a programme of gymnastics, dance, games and athletics which will encourage fitness, improve strength and teach rules of games and allow children to explore concepts such as ‘Determination’, ‘Motivation’ and ‘Aspirations’.  At Charles Kingsley’s we are committed to using the PE and Sport’s Premium Funding (please see report) to enhance the quality of teaching and increase the opportunities for children to be active. Our curriculum is designed to allow all children to gain a sense of achievement and positive attitudes towards themselves and others whilst positively developing teamship, respect and fair play in a variety of inter-school teams and tournaments.

In Year 4 swimming lessons are provided for the children at St Neot’s Prep Pool.
