- Love. Courage. Hope.
We had a fantastic trip to Boscombe beach on Wednesday. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky all day, perfect beach weather. One of the lifeguards came and spoke to the children about how to stay safe on the beach and when you’re in or near the water. We learnt what the different coloured flags means and where on the beach it is safe to swim. We also had a look at one of the lifeguard stations to see what they do there and what equipment they have. We did some great sculpting in the sand and made some lovely pictures and patterns. As the water was very still and calm we also dipped our feet in the sea, it was a bit chilly at first but we quickly got used to it, Ice lollies also cooled us down a treat! Before leaving the beach we took a walk along the pier and looked at the different human and physical features of the beach. The children were a credit to us and we really did have a perfect day at the beach!